Worldwide Literature

Worldwide Literature is a non-profit ministry of Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Hamburg, Arkansas under the direction of Joey Campbell.  The ministry is dedicated to helping missionaries and mission fields have ample literature for Bible study, Vacation Bible Schools, etc.  Operating out of a large warehouse at 300 Byrd Industrial Drive in Hamburg, the ministry collects and ships supplies to missionaries on various fields of the world.  Those supplies may be construction materials, medical supplies, and other things as well as an abundance of Bible materials.  Worldwide Literature allows FISH Ministry to place cases, sometimes skids, of Bibles and related materials on those large containers that go by rail to shipping points, then by ship to overseas destinations.  The Worldwide Literature ministry is operated with free will offerings from individuals, churches, auxiliaries, etc. Joey Campbell works full time to facilitate the important ministry and is paid from free will offerings designated for his salary.  Prayers and offerings are solicited for the important work that is so necessary for the missionaries on foreign soil laboring so often with little, and that often substandard. For more about this ministry see: