• F.I.S.H. is an acronym standing for "Fellowship for an International Scripture Heritage." It is one of several ministries of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc., a non-profit organization begun in 1982 under initial endorsement of Spring Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas. F.I.S.H. Ministry utilizes on-site missionaries to receive and distribute Bibles and New Testaments on various mission fields, as free-will offerings make copies of the Word available.
  • Be a Fisher of Men! Helping to spread God's Word Internationally is a mission that needs all of us! How can you help?...... Prayer: We need your prayers, include us daily as you speak with God....... Support: Free Will offerings is the financial life blood of our operations. One time donations are wonderful and monthly donations are fantastic!..... Involvement: If you have a burning desire to share your talents, contact us and we will help fan that flame!
  • We are Baptist people seeking to be helpful to the Lord’s churches and works both at home and abroad. We identify with the ancient Waldenses, Paulicians, Donatists and others who have stood in the hedge and filled the gap as a succession of true churches from the time of Jesus and the apostles. The true churches of the Lord Jesus Christ are the “Pillar and ground of the truth.” The truth is the Word of God, the “faith once delivered to the saints.” It is incumbent upon us as God’s people to propagate His Word as foundational to individual lives and the continued growth of His churches. To this end we both pray, and labor in fields that are white already unto harvest. Furthermore, to this end we encourage others to get involved in prayers, financial support, evangelistic and teaching activities.

FellowHelpers To The Truth

  1. The FellowHelper

    FellowHelper is the first part of our corporate name of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc. Shortly after the start of this ministry a hard copy newspaper named “The FellowHelper” was sent out four times a year to over 8,000 recipients. It contained information on all the works and ministry being done by the workers of the organization. In today’s era of technology “The FellowHelper” has evolved into this website that is available 24/7 not only providing information on works and ministry being done but a repository full of riches can be found in the Library section and hopefully insightful sermons and series discussion in the Video section. FellowHelpers To The Truth is an organization of God’s people going about the work of helping God’s churches in multiple areas. We have among our people so much talent just bursting to reach out and bless us. If you need our help contact us, If you want to share your talents join us, If you want to support us please contribute in the Donate section, If you believe it is God’s will, pray for us!


  2. Fish Ministry

    F.I.S.H. is an acronym standing for “Fellowship for an International Scripture Heritage.”

    It is one of several ministries of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc., a non-profit organization begun in 1982 under initial endorsement of Spring Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas.

    F.I.S.H. Ministry utilizes on-site missionaries to receive and distribute Bibles and New Testaments on various mission fields, as free-will offerings make copies of the Word available.

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Fish Ministry News

3 days ago

FISH Ministry
LOVE GREW WHERE THE BLOOD FELL“For God so loved the world. . .” God, Who is mentioned here, is the fullness of the Godhead, the "Elohim" God mentioned as the Creator in Genesis 1:1. God loved (agape, holy love, attachment,) the world (cosmos, specific, and definite working order of things He created in Genesis 1:1). The object of His love was wrecked beyond recognition as described in Genesis 1:2. But, there was not a move on His part to redeem the wrecking angels who left their first estate to follow Lucifer in his rage of wreckage. Consequently, God moved to reconstruct that unique, beautiful system. That work reached its zenith by the creation of mankind whose offspring would build, under His hand, a magnificent kingdom. But, alas! Mankind relinquished his lordship position in that unimaginable cosmos to the forces of sin and evil, plunging material creation, and the species into sin and death. Consequently, Elohim (God) moved the third and final time to redeem the wonderful, creative work of His hand: He did so as one of mankind; He gave His only begotten Son. Jesus the man Who is the expression of the invisible God (Elohim) did in absolute perfection all that was required to conquer sin and death. That centered on His living a sinless life, fulfilling the Law of Moses, delivering the perfect will and word of God to mankind, and paying the penalty of sin and death for every believing offspring of Adam. It was there on a hill called Golgotha that He was planted on a tree in a most hideous manner. It was there that sinless, holy blood flowed from a mangled body whose pain was uniquely harsh beyond measure even to Him Who could not suffer and die due to His perfect righteousness. But. He took upon Himself the sins and pangs of death of the world. He did so willingly that which was so absolutely necessary. So, there He, the Seed of Abraham, planted by cruel hands, watered that Seed in holy blood. As the songwriter so appropriately wrote in lyrics tenderly and touching, “Love Grew Where The Blood Fell!” Moreover, by that perfect sacrifice, that shedding of holy blood, that love without blemish, there grew a resurrected Christ Jesus, assuring His followers of all time that as by one man sin came upon all, so by one man would come redemption for all who would open their heart to Him. Paul counted all things but dung that he might know more about that power of resurrection. We should do the same! Every thought or mention of Calvary floods hearts all over again, and we rejoice! ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

FISH Ministry
SOMEBODY BIGGER THAN YOU OR I God is infinitely bigger than you or I. The student of the Bible can but stand in awe of His might, and His works. He often uses men to accomplish astounding feats of faith, but it is always in His power, and not in the power of human endeavor alone. Few, very few are privileged to be trail blazers as was Moses of old. So, it is somewhat easier to identify with Joshua as a successor to someone who has gone before us. One can only imagine what burden was in the heart and mind of that great man as he contemplated the looming battle of Jericho. He had led the army of Israel in battles during the 40 years of wilderness wondering, but he always had Moses to look to, and lean on. Now, the ball was squarely in his court. Jericho lay before Israel as the first battle of conquest of the Promised Land. This was big, really big, and it would be no surprise to learn that he could have been feeling mighty small for task. Admirably, he sought solitude for contemplation and prayer as the enormity of his responsibility pressed heavily upon him. It was in that environment that something quite unexpected happened. There appeared before him a person with a drawn sword. This led Joshua to question the character before him as to whether he was for Israel or an enemy from Jericho. The answer he received brought gladness and huge relief. The stranger said, “Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come.” Joshua 5:14-15. As it was marvelous to Joshua, so it is to the people of God today. We are not alone! God gives us great and mighty things to accomplish, and we often wonder how we are going to get them done. The survey of strength, resources, and wit are too often turned inward on self. Let it be remembered that only God can do the work of God. People are instruments in His hand, blessed to be used of Him, but it is God who clears the way. It is God Who empowers His Word. It is God Who works on human hearts, and it is God who gives the increase. If the increase eludes or seems more insignificant that it should, it just may be that we have not yielded ourselves to the Captain of the Host of the LORD! His way is not our way, but it always accomplishes just what He wants done. He should be explicitly trusted in every endeavor, in confronting any obstacle. He is infinitely bigger than you or I. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

FISH Ministry
Here is the link to the videos of sermons and the well done memorials report at the ABA meeting this past week. vimeo.com/962163389... You may need to paste it in the top search window of your computer. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

FISH Ministry
SEEKING KNOWLEDGE OF RESURRECTION POWER There is an attainment alien to planet Earth. It outranks all other possible possessions in worthiness of pursuit. Among men, gold, silver, diamonds, and pearls are universally accepted as wealth, and the years of life are given to acquire them, and what they represent. But there is another that pales the treasures of earth. Prerequisites are essential to the ability to pursue the treasure of which I write. Being born from above, and committed to obediently following God in New Covenant relationship are those prerequisites that open the door to that opportunity. Think of it in the context of the apostle Paul. God used Paul as He did no other. Paul also had things men seek in life: the best education, friends in high places, and rank in his Pharisaical world, to name a few. Yet, in Philippians Chapter Three, he listed some of those, but went on to say they were all counted but loss, even as a pile of dung in comparison to the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus. He wanted above all other things to know Him better, and especially the power of His resurrection.Few understand much about resurrection's possibility. Jesus was a man, but He was also the Creator God of the universe. Since the wages of sin is death, it was possible for the man Jesus, Who knew no sin, to die only because he voluntarily took upon Himself the sins of men. But the man, Jesus was formed of flesh and blood of this world. However, the life in the man Jesus was the eternal God Himself. It is not possible for Him to die. But it was possible for the God Who lived in the man Jesus to re-enter the human body of Jesus, changing it into a glorified state. That has specific and profound meaning to His people. The Spirit of the Living God which dwells in His people is life, and it is not possible for it to die. To this point Jesus forthrightly declared: “And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” John 11:26. The everlasting life Jesus gives to those who repent of sins and accepts Him as their personal Savior begins at the moment that happens. It never ends and cannot end because it is everlasting. What that means is that though death claims the flesh on earth, the life-force or spirit returns to God Who gave it to await the command of the Master to reunite in a glorified body like unto His own. The interim is not inactive, but chock full of glorious awareness that pales that of earth. Hallelujah! We join Paul in pursuit of a better knowledge of that, his prime directive. He lives! We live! ... See MoreSee Less
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