• F.I.S.H. is an acronym standing for "Fellowship for an International Scripture Heritage." It is one of several ministries of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc., a non-profit organization begun in 1982 under initial endorsement of Spring Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas. F.I.S.H. Ministry utilizes on-site missionaries to receive and distribute Bibles and New Testaments on various mission fields, as free-will offerings make copies of the Word available.
  • Be a Fisher of Men! Helping to spread God's Word Internationally is a mission that needs all of us! How can you help?...... Prayer: We need your prayers, include us daily as you speak with God....... Support: Free Will offerings is the financial life blood of our operations. One time donations are wonderful and monthly donations are fantastic!..... Involvement: If you have a burning desire to share your talents, contact us and we will help fan that flame!
  • We are Baptist people seeking to be helpful to the Lord’s churches and works both at home and abroad. We identify with the ancient Waldenses, Paulicians, Donatists and others who have stood in the hedge and filled the gap as a succession of true churches from the time of Jesus and the apostles. The true churches of the Lord Jesus Christ are the “Pillar and ground of the truth.” The truth is the Word of God, the “faith once delivered to the saints.” It is incumbent upon us as God’s people to propagate His Word as foundational to individual lives and the continued growth of His churches. To this end we both pray, and labor in fields that are white already unto harvest. Furthermore, to this end we encourage others to get involved in prayers, financial support, evangelistic and teaching activities.

FellowHelpers To The Truth

  1. The FellowHelper

    FellowHelper is the first part of our corporate name of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc. Shortly after the start of this ministry a hard copy newspaper named “The FellowHelper” was sent out four times a year to over 8,000 recipients. It contained information on all the works and ministry being done by the workers of the organization. In today’s era of technology “The FellowHelper” has evolved into this website that is available 24/7 not only providing information on works and ministry being done but a repository full of riches can be found in the Library section and hopefully insightful sermons and series discussion in the Video section. FellowHelpers To The Truth is an organization of God’s people going about the work of helping God’s churches in multiple areas. We have among our people so much talent just bursting to reach out and bless us. If you need our help contact us, If you want to share your talents join us, If you want to support us please contribute in the Donate section, If you believe it is God’s will, pray for us!


  2. Fish Ministry

    F.I.S.H. is an acronym standing for “Fellowship for an International Scripture Heritage.”

    It is one of several ministries of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc., a non-profit organization begun in 1982 under initial endorsement of Spring Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas.

    F.I.S.H. Ministry utilizes on-site missionaries to receive and distribute Bibles and New Testaments on various mission fields, as free-will offerings make copies of the Word available.

Latest Apologetics

2 weeks ago

ETERNAL SECURITY OF THE BELIEVER Baptists are not the only people in this world that will teach Salvation by Grace. But, they may be close to the only people who understand what that means. They receive the simplicity of it while others stumble over it. The truth of spiritual salvation is framed by the words “Eternal Security of the Believer” or as Baptists say in the vernacular, “Once Saved Always Saved.” Perhaps no other doctrine is so misunderstood and rejected. However, when logic is followed the conclusion can be no other: if salvation is wholly by grace then it must be secure. That is, it does not depend upon the goodness of man to obtain it so it must not depend on the goodness of man to keep it. Put another way, if men are as lost as lost can be when they become partakers of the marvelous grace of God then would they not have to become worse or more lost than lost in order to lose it? The possibility of apostasy or falling from grace so as to become lost again is totally foreign to the scriptures. Such is the fruit of the faulty reasoning of sinful men. So, what does the Bible actually say about eternal security of the believer? Let the most well-loved and memorized verse of scripture speak: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Now what kind of life does Jesus give to those who trust Him? It is everlasting! If it is everlasting, then it can never end. If it ever does end, then it was never everlasting. The Bible consistently describes the life one receives from Jesus as everlasting or eternal. Note some other passages of scripture. John 11:26, “And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” Again, Paul reasoned with the Romans, “Rom 8:35-39, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The Bible abounds with similar scriptures. Finally, Jesus said of His people, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. John 10:27-29. Hallelujah, what a Savior! Hallelujah what a great salvation! ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

THE DASTARDLY DEED OF DECEPTIONThere is no shortage of blind folks today regardless of any specified environment. This is not a reference to the literally blind who mostly see, but to the seeing folks who are mostly blind spiritually. The human adversary, the devil, works relentlessly to effect and perpetuate this sad state. It is as old as the Garden of Eden and his masterful deception of mother Eve. The preferred methodology remains as old, too. The great deception of sin and Satan lies in the artful employment and definition of code words. Since time immemorial the iniquitous practice of false religion has mastered them to accomplish the desired proselytizing of unsuspecting naive. To put it another way, when a sewing machine salesman show us a one’s door, it is not to buy the homeowner’s sewing machine, but to sell his own product. While NOT seeking to castigate all such salesmen, compete honesty is often not present in the presentation.In like manner false religion studies the terminology most often used in the Lord’s churches. It then twists them to mean something humanly logical, but alien to the truth. Such words as “Church” “Salvation” “Judgment” are but a sampling of words with twisted ideas used to proselytize the unsuspecting host.One often identifies that same practice in political government. Such words “Democracy” “Equity” “Inclusion” amount to nothing more than the old affirmative action which favors the unqualified and promotes perpetual racism. The intent is destruction of the republic in favor of socialistic communism which will destroy also the proponents of D.E.I. once it is entrenched.As the age comes to a close, this sort of trickery will increase to bring together the three great powers of Politics, economics, and religion to facilitate the zenith of evil in antichrist. Let there be no misgiving. The unwavering goal is the destruction of foundational truth. ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

A PENNY FOR WHATCHA THINKINInflation is hitting hard now on what one is thinking. A penny for your thoughts just won’t cut it. The government mint says it take much more than a penny to create a penny so a penny is no longer worth just a penny. Hummm. When the cost reaches five cents, I want to be called. I will trade in my jar of pennies for five cents each, and it will cost a nickel to get my thoughts henceforth.Well, some thoughts do have extremely high value; forget the penny. The prophet Malachi revealed something of their value when he wrote: “. . .they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lordhearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.” 3:16-17.Training our thoughts on the Lord and His Word are profitable for lifehere and now. Additionally, they are nothing short of the pathway to eternal riches. Additionally, it is written in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end,” Anyone care to put a price on that?What I’m thinking is worth more than a penny, a nickel, a dollar, the gold in Fort Knox! What about you, “Whatcha thinkin?” ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

LEST YE BE FOUND EVEN TO FIGHT AGAINST GODThe early outreach of the first church was not without persecution. Stephen became the first Christian martyr, many were imprisoned, and James killed with the sword. The list could go on and it would be very large. In one such instance, the disciples were imprisoned, but brought out of it by the power of God. Having been charged to not speak in the name of Jesus, they entered the temple area and taught the people about Jesus and what He had done for them. Arrested by the religio/political rulers, their death was under consideration when a wise man of great reputation stepped up with counsel that is appropriate to this day. His name was Gamaliel, reputed to be the teacher of Saul of Tarsus. He recounted a number of people who had arisen in various heresies whose work came to nothing. Then he warned the Sadducees to be very careful what they intended to do to these disciples. His prevailing words of wisdom were. “ Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.” (Read about it in Acts 5).It has been said, “Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.” However modern day religionist, even a good many Baptists would do well to tune in to the wisdom of Gamaliel. The case in point is this. The repeated lesson of scriptures from the vaults of antiquity is that the Most High God rules in the governments of men and installs as rulers whom He will. Beginning with ancient Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon who learned it the hard way, throughout the revelations of Daniel this great consistent truth is taught in various symbolisms. It is very much in force now and will be as long as earth stands. God has and continues to use unlikely and even evil people as rulers for a time to accomplish his righteous purposes. Those of us who take the name of Christ as our redeemer and hope should hear again the wisdom of Gamaliel before loosing a tirade of destructive criticism: “. . . if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.”So what is the best course to follow when evil men rule? Hear the words of the apostle Paul, “ I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” I Timothy 2:1-2. God is under no obligation to inform men about who he chooses to rule or why? His will shall be done! ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

ESCAPE: BOSTON TO THE NEW WORLDIn Lincolnshire (county) in the flatland of east coast England stands the city of Boston and its famous “Stump” cathedral tower visible for many miles, and from the top of which spectacular views may be enjoyed. It is the city’s singular skyscraper. For centuries the wet lands sustained the region economically with abundance of fowl life for food, and bedding. It was an early hotbed of religious separatism against the still Catholic practices of the newly formed Church of England or Episcopal as Americans know it. The city is also the historic home of the author John Foxe who compiled the revered book: FOXE’S BOOK OF MARTYRS. Due to the active influence of religious puritans and separatists, it became a point of departure of immigrants to America, which unless officially sanctioned was illegal. Many dissenters would set sail for Holland from which they would find passage to the new world. However, illegal immigrants, of no few number often found themselves in the “gaol” or jail from which most were released after a short time. More notable of those distinguished inmates were the likes of William and Mary Brewster, and a few others who became passengers on the Mayflower, and were influential in the establishment of Boston, Massachusetts. William Brewster was a separatist, a preacher, and a teacher of the English Language. He longed for freedom from the state empowered, corrupt clergy of the Church of England., which was the prime motivator of his initial escape from the Boston area to Holland. Responding later to news of the Mayflower’s proposed voyage to North America, he returned to England where he and his family booked passage, and on which he was selected as pastor of the group.It was this writer’s privilege along with his wife, Laura, and Morris and Louise Cloud, to visit the ancient city, sit in the jail cell, and view the point of departure of these historic pilgrims. We breathed a prayer of thanksgiving for them.Boston in England sets practically at sea level. When the tide is out, the canals throughout the city are drained. Little boats sit on the muddy bottom, awaiting the rhythmic return of the lifting water.To this day, one may walk out on a raised earthen walkway extending far out into the area. Though dry due to the deposits of sand and vegetation, in olden times little boats would take passengers from here to perhaps a quarter mile to a ship anchored in deeper water; however, boarding time was critical. That ship had to depart in high tide or be stuck awaiting another cycle.Convictions regarding the Bible and freedom ran deep in the history of the cities of Boston in England and America. The torch of that history has been tossed to ensuing generations, and one wonders whether it still burns at all in those once treasured places. Does America at large generally follow that example? ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

THE WALKING, TALKING DIRTBALL THE CROWNING ACT OF CREATION (2nd and concluding article)The Genesis One account of creation shows mankind as being the last or crowning act of God’s creating activity. Understanding this, Donald Barnhouse in his book: “Let Me Illustrate” concluded that since man was to be last in creation, everything created previously was made to teach him a spiritual lesson. But to understand why and how the dirtball came into existence necessitates further discovery of pre-Genesis activity. Serious students of the Word learn that other life forms preceded material creation. These are namely God in his threefold existence and myriads of intellectual spirits referenced as messengers (angels). Rightly dividing the Word of truth given about Pre-Genesis history reveals those angelic beings were categorized into three large groups according to their given abilities to fulfill specific purpose. Ministering to God’s purposes in the realms of intelligence, spirit, and material, they performed duties under the direction of an archangel over each group. The archangel over material substance was none other than Lucifer, reputed to be the most beautiful of created beings. Isaiah 14:12; Ezekiel 28:13-15. It would be his responsibility and that of his angelic band to care for material things, the center of which being the life support garden of God known as earth.At some point, and quite inexplicably, Lucifer became lifted up in pride and appearance and determined to be God, apparently an attempt to usurp the place of the Son, the material expression of God. It was outright insurrection initiating war in heaven involving the archangel Michael and his myriad of angels serving in the spiritual realm against Lucifer and his angels. Michael winning the war resulted in Lucifer and his insurrectionist angels being cast out. Where did they go? They did not go to Mars, Venus, or other galaxies. They descended to their object of primary care: the garden of God called earth. Jesus said, “. . . I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” Luke 10:18. It is at this point that devastation, and complete wreckage rendered the earth formless and covered in darkness as noted in Genesis 1:2. The ancient language called it “Tohu,” which is Hebrew for formless void, devastation and waste. However, that state of earth was not credited to the work of God, but quite the opposite. To do so would attribute to the perfect God an imperfect act, which cannot occur. Additionally, the bible affirms that God did not make the earth as it appears in Genesis 1:2 in the writings of the prophet Isaiah: “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain [tohu], he formed it to be inhabited: . . .” Isaiah 45:18. So, there are three creation stories in Genesis. The first being Genesis 1:1. The second being Genesis 1:1 to 2:4. The third story begins in Genesis 2:4 as God (Elohim) assumes extended office work as Jehovah-Elohim (LORD GOD) to deal with fallen mankind. But back to the immediate subject. The greater part of Genesis One is a story of reconstruction of the earth from its formless [tohu] state into perfect order. To prevent similar, future destruction of it as it appeared in Genesis 1:2, and since two very adversarial powers staked claim to it, unwritten restraints were placed on the superpowers limiting them to influence only. Mankind would be the decision maker as lord of the earth and all that is in it. This underscores the nature of God as being non-arbitrary. All things must be ultimately proven to have, or not have, intrinsic spiritual value. Thus, earth would be given the privilege and responsibility of speaking for itself. Of course, the earth is inanimate without such ability. But the Creator remedied that by taking from the earth an upright form and combining it with life, procreative and reasoning abilities. Thus from the earth mankind was taken and to the earth he shall return physically while the life that was given him to act responsibility returns to the God who gave it. Ecc. 12:7. Thus, from the point of his creation, Adam (earth man) and his posterity will speak for the planet. It, with all therein, are subjugated to him. Consequently, “mother” earth walks and talks in defense of herself or sometimes may cry over actions of her own children: “Walking Talking Dirtballs.” The rest is recorded history, and what a long and sordid history it is since the inception of sin. It underscores responsibility and accountability. It should give every one pause to consider how well or how poorly each is doing as judgment flies swiftly toward the entire cosmos. Observation reveals some are doing well in their assigned role, while most are doing very poorly not representing mother earth or the Creator and redeemer God Who gives life and reasoning abilities. Romans 8:19-22 sums it up this way, “For the earnest expectation of the creature (creation) waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature (creation) was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature (creation) itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” Eternal thanks is rightly attributed to the redemptive work of the second Adam (Jesus) In Him, there is a very bright and marvelous day coming for the creation including those who have fulfilled well their roles of representing mother earth. Sadly, vast numbers of walking talking dirtballs oblivious to their place and to eternal verities walk on in overloaded ego, and in the darkness of spiritual blindness deny their origin and accountability. Blessed indeed are the remnant walking within their Creator-given restraints. ... See MoreSee Less
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Fish Ministry News

4 weeks ago

FISH Ministry
200 AUDIO BIBLES NEEDEDNext month Missionary Chuck Fernandez will be leading a short term mission trip to Kenya and Uganda with a team of three Pastors from our associated work. Our Kenya/Ugandan brethren have asked us to bring two hundred solar audio Bibles with us to distribute when we come. These audio Bibles are actually manufactured in Israel and were designed by Missionaries for Missionaries in remote interior regions of third world countries. They are not cheap at approx. $40.00 per unit but what is the price of a soul worth? They are totally water proof, dust proof, rugged and charged by the sun. Would you or your Church pray about purchasing one or two or ten for this ministry safari next month? FISH Ministry wants to be responsible with your help for at least 100 of these wonderful bibles. Offerings may be given through our website www.fishministry.net or mailed to P.O. Box 1023, Bryant, AR 72089. Let's make this happen together! Offerings should be sent before the end of the month to facilitate purchase. ... See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

FISH Ministry
GOD SENT A LETTER“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” Rom. 1:20 A skeptic once whined, “If God would send me a letter with His very own signature attached, I would have cause to believe Him. That sinful attitude does not single him out as unique at all. In fact, most of the world’s population chooses that way of thinking in one way or another. God has done a lot of extremely great things. For instance, He created the heavens and the earth, and that instantly. He enabled Noah to build a huge ship to the saving of all species drawing the breath of life. Think about what He did in getting the Hebrews released from Egyptian slavery. There followed a multitude of miraculous acts that provided for over two million people in the desert for forty years. The list goes on and on, but nothing compares to His provision of Jesus paying the sin debt of all who trust in Him. But all of those things were visible, and still men choose to disbelieve them or to ignore their obvious message. The lowest level of human intelligence reasons that for everything made, somebody made it. The things made commanding attention range from the orderly worlds of bacteria unseen by the naked eye to the endless universe of solar systems and stars, most of which dwarf planet earth. This is what Paul was alluding to in Romans 1:20 “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” No human being can conceive of the power to create instantly and in such gigantic proportions. To be sure His eternal power and Godhead is obvious to human intelligence and denying its voice does not silence it. As the apostle Paul wrote of the power of the gospel in Romans 10:13-18. He underscored hearing the Word preached which is the mission of the church, but there is no franchise of the gospel or of the existence of God. He concluded that line of thought by saying that they have all heard because their line is gone throughout the earth. There is no language where they are not understood. Just what is this language that testifies to all men without exception? The answer is resounded in Psalm 19: 1-4. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun.” To be sure, He sent a signed, universal letter that is applicable to every human on an individual basis. Believe it! Let us all join the unified voice of nature, but in audible testimony! ... See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

FISH Ministry
BONES, OH BONES!How familiar are the members of the human race with the sadness and solemnity of death! It is universal; it is appointed unto men once to die, Heb. 9:27. But it really is not permanent! Resurrection (standing up again) is not a fanciful wish, but a 100 percent certainty. The irresistible curiosity of this future reality was enough to cause the Apostle Paul to count all things that were gain to him to be nothing but dung in comparison to the nobility of greater understanding of that awesome event. Phil. 3:8-10.Perhaps the most graphic illustration of it appears in the Old Testament in Ezekiel 37. The prophet witnessed a great valley filled with exceedingly dry bones come together, every bone in its proper place. Then the bones were covered with flesh and skin, received breath, and lived as a graphic picture of the future restoration of Israel. Of course, this was a prophetic lesson God prepared for the prophet in his ministry to Israel. The future resurrection will not occur in that way, but what an illustration! Paul tells us that we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye! Will that include all the saints of all the ages past? Sure enough! If one should think that to be a stretch because of the millions involved, perhaps he should consider just how big God really is.Paul spoke of resurrection in I Cor. 15. A kernel of grain is not so handsome, but has within it the blue print for a beautiful plant. But to assume that form, the kernel of grain must die. It does so when planted in the ground, but one does not see a huge kernel emerging from the earth, but a beautiful, verdant plant that has such fruitful capability.The idea is this: God knows every person (as indeed He does the universe) on a sub-molecular level. Though the material substance of a body should be totally decomposed into common dirt, the molecular blue print that came forth from God to give it expression of life originally is still known to God, and it will respond to his command to be reconstituted, but not in its original earthly form, but in the form of the heavenly. For believers, it will be like that of the coming Savior. I John 3:2.John said, “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” John 5:28-29.We learn that the millennial reign of Christ will occur between the resurrection of the just and that of the unjust, but resurrection itself is never in doubt; it will occur. It is sad that some must spend eternity then in torment just as God’s people will spend eternity in the New Earth and heavens with Him. Will a just God so condemn people? Not at all! Men are already condemned, and those who suffer the fires of hell are those who will not receive the only way out of that condemnation that Jesus provided for them on the cross. Don’t let that be you! You will be conscious somewhere for all eternity! ... See MoreSee Less
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