• F.I.S.H. is an acronym standing for "Fellowship for an International Scripture Heritage." It is one of several ministries of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc., a non-profit organization begun in 1982 under initial endorsement of Spring Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas. F.I.S.H. Ministry utilizes on-site missionaries to receive and distribute Bibles and New Testaments on various mission fields, as free-will offerings make copies of the Word available.
  • Be a Fisher of Men! Helping to spread God's Word Internationally is a mission that needs all of us! How can you help?...... Prayer: We need your prayers, include us daily as you speak with God....... Support: Free Will offerings is the financial life blood of our operations. One time donations are wonderful and monthly donations are fantastic!..... Involvement: If you have a burning desire to share your talents, contact us and we will help fan that flame!
  • We are Baptist people seeking to be helpful to the Lord’s churches and works both at home and abroad. We identify with the ancient Waldenses, Paulicians, Donatists and others who have stood in the hedge and filled the gap as a succession of true churches from the time of Jesus and the apostles. The true churches of the Lord Jesus Christ are the “Pillar and ground of the truth.” The truth is the Word of God, the “faith once delivered to the saints.” It is incumbent upon us as God’s people to propagate His Word as foundational to individual lives and the continued growth of His churches. To this end we both pray, and labor in fields that are white already unto harvest. Furthermore, to this end we encourage others to get involved in prayers, financial support, evangelistic and teaching activities.

FellowHelpers To The Truth

  1. The FellowHelper

    FellowHelper is the first part of our corporate name of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc. Shortly after the start of this ministry a hard copy newspaper named “The FellowHelper” was sent out four times a year to over 8,000 recipients. It contained information on all the works and ministry being done by the workers of the organization. In today’s era of technology “The FellowHelper” has evolved into this website that is available 24/7 not only providing information on works and ministry being done but a repository full of riches can be found in the Library section and hopefully insightful sermons and series discussion in the Video section. FellowHelpers To The Truth is an organization of God’s people going about the work of helping God’s churches in multiple areas. We have among our people so much talent just bursting to reach out and bless us. If you need our help contact us, If you want to share your talents join us, If you want to support us please contribute in the Donate section, If you believe it is God’s will, pray for us!


  2. Fish Ministry

    F.I.S.H. is an acronym standing for “Fellowship for an International Scripture Heritage.”

    It is one of several ministries of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc., a non-profit organization begun in 1982 under initial endorsement of Spring Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas.

    F.I.S.H. Ministry utilizes on-site missionaries to receive and distribute Bibles and New Testaments on various mission fields, as free-will offerings make copies of the Word available.

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Fish Ministry News

5 days ago

FISH Ministry
YOUR MOTHER AND MINE In the theological world it is often stated just how mixed up folks are about the subject of brotherhood and its meaning. But if one thinks that to be a problem, just consider how mixed up so-called churches are about motherhood!The status of motherhood has been on the rise for the last two thousand years. Jesus elevated it to its proper position, but as with most everything else, man takes it where it does not belong. Kooky ideas in the 21st Century about feminism in general and motherhood in particular abound. Media is filled with the exaltation of feminism, even to the extreme of subjugating masculinity, unless that too resides in a female. But try as they will, men will never totally pervert God’s creation order and purpose. Godly women find the ultimate of feminine contentment and joy in their God-given roles, even if modern times cause those roles to change somewhat. In this writer’s house, the men are men and the women are glad of it! Conversely, women are women and the men are glad of it.But let this subject go on into the religious realm specifically. Catholicism has done much to bring shame on the Son of God, and Mary, His earthly mother, by exalting her above Him. Hence, prayers are offered to Mary who is palmed off as a perpetual virgin, even though the scriptures show that to be a blatant lie. But, of course, they say, everybody knows if you want to get something from someone, contact his mother. Really!When the original cosmos created by God was cast down, an unwritten controversy over the earth between the two supernatural powers undoubtedly occurred. Therefore, in the reconstruction, the earth would be allowed to speak for itself. For that to happen, the earth would of necessity have to bring forth an offspring who could speak, think, and make decisions regarding it. It was to this end that a waking, talking dirtball (man) was taken from the earth and made a living soul with those capacities.In the ancient Hebrew language, a word that describes man taken from the earth is “Yelid.” This word literally means, and is so translated in other places, “to give birth to.” So, the earth is consistently referenced as “Mother Earth.” She is indeed your mother and mine. From it we were taken, and to it we shall return, even as the spirit within us was given of God, and will return to Him.It is the purpose of man then to make good decisions regarding his mother (Earth) including all her children. The first man failed so utterly, but the second Adam succeeded so completely. To Him Earth looks, as well as all her children who are saved from that terrible sin, and more specifically their own sin. To honor one’s mother (earth) and one’s earthly mother, honor must be given to the Creator and Redeemer! Essential to that are repentance from sin and faith in His Word! ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

FISH Ministry
POSSESS YE YOUR SOULS In the gospel of Luke at 21:19 it is written, “In your patience possess ye your souls.” The context of this verse reveals it to be Jesus forewarning His newly founded church of things that must shortly come to pass. It would only be a few decades before the Roman army would level Jerusalem and slay such as they found. So determined were they that they encamped at the base of Masada and labored for three years to capture and or kill the remaining Jews who had fled there to a fortified place. With the destruction of Jerusalem and all Judea completed those who fled to other countries were prevented from returning for nearly two thousand years. But what is one to make of Luke 21:19? The consistent Biblical precedent underscores the fidelity of God protecting His covenant people. Bad things happen to them only as they turn away from the Lord to embrace the sins of the world. Egyptian slavery and Babylonian captivity are Obvious, dark examples. Today, our modern world is bringing much pain and trouble to the nations. Nominal “Christians” often become distraught and fearful of what may happen at any time. It was in a similar context that Jesus spoke those words to His church. It was not a promise that there would never be any persecution. Quite the contrary, He warned that such would be widespread. But troubles of any sort were not to be the cause of His disciples turning away from the faith or of jumping off buildings. Paul and multiplied thousands of others through the centuries suffered pain and even martyrdom, but their peace and confidence in God’s Word was not abandoned. There simply is no rationale for the knowledgeable Christian’s abandoning it either. But therein lies a large problem. Many churches have been reduced from spiritual giants to entertainment clubs whose members (largely an audience) have been rocked to sleep with easy religion, a method of life that will not suffice when it comes time to stand. If life is dealing you a hand full of troubles and you have doubts about who or what you really are, it is past time to find out why by returning to the blessed Word of God and to Him Whose yoke is easy and His burden light. The soul that is anchored there has peace and great cause for rejoicing. Those things provide the patience to possess the soul. Is it well with your soul? Are you possessing it in patience? ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

FISH Ministry
LEAVING YOUR SYCAMORE TREEWell known by children and adults, too, is the Bible story of Zacchaeus and the sycamore tree, related in Luke 19. Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. This was a singular event. The fame of Jesus had already spread abroad, causing a crowd to gather along the street as many, including Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. But Zacchaeus was a man small of stature. Something had to be done if he were to succeed. Zacchaeus climbed a nearby sycamore tree, enabling him to see over the crowd, thus achieving his objective. But this would be no normal day for the little man. As Jesus passed that way, He paused and commanded that Zacchaeus should come down. Not only did Zacchaeus get to see Jesus, he had the unthinkable blessing of entertaining Him in his home. There are some important things to note about this historic event that are applicable to men everywhere in this precious age of grace. 1.) A desire to see Jesus was in the heart of Zacchaeus. 2.) He did what he could do in climbing the tree in order to see Him. 3.) He responded to the call of the Master to come down and meet Him personally. 4.) He had a penitent attitude not only toward God, but also toward his fellowmen whom he may have dealt with deceitfully in the past. 5.) He gladly received Jesus into his home, gaining an awesome, unimaginable blessing for time and eternity. In summation, these five things that graced the life of a little Jewish man some 2,000 years ago are the same ones that have graced the lives of millions of precious believers. Moreover, they are those which will still grace the lives of Holy Spirit convicted seekers of the Master and His righteousness. Truly, it is God Who puts a desire in a person’s heart and mind to want to see Jesus. It is He who calls for men to come down out of their Sycamore tree and meet the Master, not high in a tree, but on bended knee. It is He Who graces men with a penitent attitude, and changes life so that they can live honestly and separately unto the Lord. Furthermore, it is God who causes us to want to have Him as the Head of our home. In His presence is fullness of joy, and the more we learn of Him and His Holy Word, the more we see Jesus in our heart of hearts. FOR THOUGHT: How many times have you heard men say, “I wish I could just start all over again?” Regret, remorse, and the wonderful prospect of newness of life are provided options for every person who comes down from their personal Sycamore tree. Decision is the needed action, and no decision for repentance, faith in God, and His Word is a decision, but the wrong one. Please do not opt for it. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

FISH Ministry
Have you ever paid particular attention to the often preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus, too being the Kingdom of Heaven? ... See MoreSee Less
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