• F.I.S.H. is an acronym standing for "Fellowship for an International Scripture Heritage." It is one of several ministries of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc., a non-profit organization begun in 1982 under initial endorsement of Spring Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas. F.I.S.H. Ministry utilizes on-site missionaries to receive and distribute Bibles and New Testaments on various mission fields, as free-will offerings make copies of the Word available.
  • Be a Fisher of Men! Helping to spread God's Word Internationally is a mission that needs all of us! How can you help?...... Prayer: We need your prayers, include us daily as you speak with God....... Support: Free Will offerings is the financial life blood of our operations. One time donations are wonderful and monthly donations are fantastic!..... Involvement: If you have a burning desire to share your talents, contact us and we will help fan that flame!
  • We are Baptist people seeking to be helpful to the Lord’s churches and works both at home and abroad. We identify with the ancient Waldenses, Paulicians, Donatists and others who have stood in the hedge and filled the gap as a succession of true churches from the time of Jesus and the apostles. The true churches of the Lord Jesus Christ are the “Pillar and ground of the truth.” The truth is the Word of God, the “faith once delivered to the saints.” It is incumbent upon us as God’s people to propagate His Word as foundational to individual lives and the continued growth of His churches. To this end we both pray, and labor in fields that are white already unto harvest. Furthermore, to this end we encourage others to get involved in prayers, financial support, evangelistic and teaching activities.

FellowHelpers To The Truth

  1. The FellowHelper

    FellowHelper is the first part of our corporate name of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc. Shortly after the start of this ministry a hard copy newspaper named “The FellowHelper” was sent out four times a year to over 8,000 recipients. It contained information on all the works and ministry being done by the workers of the organization. In today’s era of technology “The FellowHelper” has evolved into this website that is available 24/7 not only providing information on works and ministry being done but a repository full of riches can be found in the Library section and hopefully insightful sermons and series discussion in the Video section. FellowHelpers To The Truth is an organization of God’s people going about the work of helping God’s churches in multiple areas. We have among our people so much talent just bursting to reach out and bless us. If you need our help contact us, If you want to share your talents join us, If you want to support us please contribute in the Donate section, If you believe it is God’s will, pray for us!


  2. Fish Ministry

    F.I.S.H. is an acronym standing for “Fellowship for an International Scripture Heritage.”

    It is one of several ministries of FellowHelpers To The Truth, Inc., a non-profit organization begun in 1982 under initial endorsement of Spring Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Benton, Arkansas.

    F.I.S.H. Ministry utilizes on-site missionaries to receive and distribute Bibles and New Testaments on various mission fields, as free-will offerings make copies of the Word available.

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Fish Ministry News

6 days ago

FISH Ministry
UNDERSTANDING TIME AND CIRCUMSTANCEWords demanding meditation are herein penned by the wise man, Solomon. “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” Ecc. 9:11.Generalizations in this world must not be depended upon as being ultimately, always true. For instance, it is a given generalization that if one works hard and consistently, he will achieve success. Another, is that if one prepares himself through higher, and specialized education, the door of a desired career will open to him. However, those things alone often fail as demonstrated by the practical experience of life focused upon by Solomon, and repeatedly verified by modern life situations.One will wonder at some point in life just why does a certain person succeed and others fail when those who fail seem better prepared? Solomon’s conclusion was that it is all “time and chance.” Often just being in the right place at the right time is to realize fulfillment by the randomness of chance. His viewpoint was that these things were, not totally, but definitely involved in every instance in which men are propelled above their fellows. The race may not belong to the swift, but undoubtedly, one must be somewhat swift to enter the race. The battle may not belong to the strong, but the weak should not be engaged in the battle, etc. But, above personal preparations, there are still the factors of time and chance. How disappointing it is when time and chance favors others, crushing expectations designed upon preparation.However, there is a realm wherein time and chance do not rule or dash expectations. It is the spiritual realm. Salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ has been procured, and it is within the reach of all men. Moreover, those who prepare for the Christian race definitely win. They win spiritual battles, feast on the bread of life, are enriched beyond explanation in human terms. Understanding and favor will not elude them. The life of faith that begins with repentance from sins, and placing faith the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal Savior leads one ever onward from pinnacle to pinnacle of blessings. Moreover, the expectation that hope instills in the heart will never slip or fade into disappointment. Now that is a race to run, a battle to fight, bread to eat, understanding to gain, favor to realize. In Christ, the time is now; the chance is extended to whosoever will. To serve God legitimately according to His Word is a race those so doing will definitely, ultimately win! ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

FISH Ministry
THE FAMILY OF GOD SHOULD IT BE RE-THOUGHT?Modern evangelistic movements are indeed just that: modern. They do not reconcile with the consistent pattern in the New Testament. There, the fullness of the Great Commission is always in play. Folks who professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior were baptized, and they continued with the disciples in worship and leaning. The bible has not changed, but people have. With the explosion of different types of churches in the last 500 years, pressure is created to acknowledge that they have Christian standing, even if one sees the other as heretical. So the common denominator of acknowledgement of one another is reduced from biblical teachings to the ages-long “born from above” experience: simply one acknowledging Jesus as the Christ and a personal Savior; hence, the tenets of modern evangelism.The identity of the common denominator of acknowledgement has been given a name; it is called “The Family of God.” This name is evoked from the reasoning of man as he seeks to make spiritual and physical relationships parallel. One postulates that if the initial spiritual experience with God is called a new birth, then it must follow that one is born into a family – the family of God. Inasmuch as spiritual salvation is universally offered to all who repent of sin and trust the Lord Jesus, then it must follow that there is a family that is different to the Lord’s church which is not universal, but must be attained through scriptural baptism, and ensuing fellowship. Certainly, the invention of the category sounds good. It provides a modicum of acceptance to what is going on, even if foreign to the scriptures, and eases the need for New Testament church members to know who they are and why they are that.But what is the case of this subject in the strictest biblical sense? A survey of the scriptures does not find such a category. However, there is one mention of the family of God, by definition. Moreover it falls from the lips of Jesus, Himself. Note Mark 3:31-35; “ There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him. And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren? And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.”There it is! Those Jesus identified as family were doing more than simply acknowledging Him. They were actively learning of Him in a heaven-sanctioned assembly. Let others proceed as they may, I want to do the will of God as much as I possibly can, as He stated it.I think that is what the true family of God is about. ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

FISH Ministry
THE CHURCH GOING GENERATIONFrom early days, the United States of America has been generally known by the world as a Christian nation. To be sure there were many times and episodes in its history that would bring that idea into question. Still, following the great revivals of the early 19th century, that label largely stuck, more predominately in the Southern Bible belt than in the other regions. This will draw some flack, but here me out.A few years ago, the then president of the United States stood before a gathering of leaders from many nations and forthrightly declared that America was NOT a Christian nation. A fire storm of repudiation ensued from folks at home. Could he have been correct? I think it all depends upon what one considers a Christian to be.To perhaps 90% of what is called the “Christian World” the definition of a Christian is one who confesses that Jesus is the Son of God. Truly, repentance from sin and faith in Him brings eternal salvation to the spirit of the individual. But Faith in God has wrought individual salvation since Eden, and none of the Old Testament saints are biblically known as Christians. What is to make of it all? Certainly, God’s plan of spiritual salvation for fallen mankind has not changed, but something did.The disciples of Jesus were first called Christians at Antioch (Acts 11). They did not name themselves that, but the general populace dubbed them with that title. They were a Greek speaking people and knew exactly what they were saying and meaning. It is dedicated discipleship (followership) by which those saved people were recognized and entitled. The disciples at Antioch were 1) saved by grace through faith; 2) baptized by the first church by immersion in water; 3) honored the Word of God by teaching the biblical landmarks that guided their life, these included the above plus eternal security of the believer, and the authority of the church to spread the gospel, and administer the ordinances Jesus put into His church. As one is dedicated to these things and grows in the Word, he will be a New Testament Christian. Did this just decimate the popular idea of Christianity? Doubtless!When folks align themselves with a religious organization without thought or research of the Biblical model, they become a Christian in colloquial name only, and are devoid of any meaningful honesty with their Creator as it is revealed in His eternal Word. Evangelism is reduced to an invitation to “our church” and its programs rather than to the all-important, individual, relationship with God both in salvation and in dedicated, acceptable service.Maybe, just maybe, that Muslim pleasing president was unwittingly right. Simply put, a nation of churchgoers does not a Christian make! That title belongs to those who are willingly and aggresively constrained by the harmoneous teaching of the Creator's Word. It is otherwise called the strait gate and narrow way! ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

FISH Ministry
"CHRISTIAN" HAS MEANING In the heart of Hebrew history, there existed a ritual that is fraught with New Testament meaning. It was the practice of anointing a king or a high priest. In the ceremony, oil was literally poured upon the head of the person in symbolism of the filling, covering, empowering of that person by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the office to which he was installed. Of course, as many things were, this was a shadow, type, picture of the One Whom God would both send and anoint to be the ultimate Prophet, High Priest and King. In the Hebrew language the word for “anoint” is “Messiah.” Therefore, the believing Jews looked for their Messiah (anointed one) to come. In New Testament times, the primary written language was Koine Greek. The word in that language for “anointed” is “Christos” or in transliteration: “Christ.” Now the person anointed of God in the New Testament is Jesus, the only begotten Son of God. His anointing was not in oil but in the reality that oil symbolized: Holy Spirit. That occurred at Jesus baptism as He and John moved to fulfill all righteousness. Moreover, Jesus is the head of His body, the church. Since the Head is anointed, (Christ) it is appropriate that the body also be anointed (Christ). That anointing of the body occurred at Pentecost, Acts 2. In that anointing, the body received energetic power and gifts to perform the commission given to it by the Head. The church exploded with true growth, but it was destined for an effective scattering in a few days. Therefore, those that were scattered went everywhere preaching the Word. A powerful church then came to exist in Antioch. Teachers such as Barnabas, Paul, and others were a part of it. It was there that the disciples were first called “Christians.” Some say this was a term spoken by locals in contempt of who these people were, and what they were doing. There simply is no proof at all of such an allegation. On the other hand, the locals knew Greek very well. They applied this term to them because they recognized that they were ministering in the name of, and in the Spirit of Jesus the Anointed (Christ). While to the locals it may have been primarily the works of the church by which the name was applied, to the church it was the things that made them a church by which the name was rightfully applicable. That is, they were born-again people; baptized people, church-body people; dedicated people to the teaching of Jesus. They were indeed Christians (Christ-i-ans) (anointed ones). Any other application of that term today is nothing more than a corruption of it. It does not apply to all the saved today anymore than it applied to all the saved in Old Testament times. It is a term that is uniquely applied to the true members of the anointed body of Jesus: His church: anointed in Spirit and Truth: Christians, in the uncorrupted meaning of the term. ... See MoreSee Less
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